Intention matters. You can create the life that you want.

Things aren't always seen, or felt in matter or physical form - it doesn't mean they aren't real. 

An intention is like a super-charged thought that can influence our external reality, kind of an interface between the physical and more subtle realms, and it can shape our lives. Not always seen - yet highly present. 

Almost everything we do has an intention from the start, but unless we are conscious about it, that intention will most likely be vague, nebulous, blurry or even have cross-purposes with other unarticulated intentions.
Intentions like that don't channel a lot of power.

Your conscious and your subconscious intentions steer your choices

To be frank, your conscious or subconscious intentions steer your choices. And the choices you make shape the outcome of your endeavor.

Be conscious about your energy

To work with energy in a conscious way, in line with your highest aspirations and purposes, tapped into a higher self - well, it's a very calming thing actually. And it might sound esoteric, but it is sort of as it nudges, or re-awakes something you already knew.  

Sounds woo-hoo? It's not. It’s highly grounding and expanding. . 

Strengthen your Energy

Want to know more and how to?
Learn Reiki! It's a beautiful way of working in the physical and more subtle realms, learning about your own and others' energy, and how to strengthen that energy by tapping into your higher self and your highest aspirations and purposes.

Or - if you do not wish to learn Reiki yourself, but enjoy a deep and balancing session, read more here or book an appointment. (If no available slots - email me)


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