5 (Barbie inspired) tips to de-stress and calm kids 💕

You choose what in life that inspires you. And why it does so.  

Saw my photo and my “Barbie heals”, and it got me thinking about the hype that's going on - I haven't seen the movie yet so can't really say. But… I can say that I love the curiosity and creativity Barbie can bring to the table. Just listening to the make believe plays my daughters do… I can listen all day!!! 

And ofc how spot on she is on trends. Or creating them, who knows ;)

She comes as a meditation doll… Breathwork is meditation… just sayin´. I assume meditation is cool amongst the kids, yeah! And it is so good and easy to do with them. 

Added a few meditations you can try out with kids - but they work with adults too so just go for it. 

Try them out! Let me know how it works out.


Create a story with the yoga asanas in. Endless possibilities! Play around and involve the kids in the making of the story. And make positions up too as an added bonus

"Barbie stood still like a mountain during a beautiful half moon night, when she suddenly saw a cat walking on a plank, it was breathing very focused and slow as it looked down and lowered itself to the ground, watching a cobra and a dog climbing a leafy tree. What was it they could see? ..."


Great meditation prior sleep for both kids and adults.

Ask your kid to think of something that makes them calm and/or happy, and ask them to visualize the color of that feeling. Then ask them to think of something that maybe has made them sad/angry/stressed, to then visualize that color

Lay besides each other. Close your eyes and together you inhale and visualize the first color come in through your nostril all the way down to expand the belly. To then shift to an exhale, visualizing the second color, through your mouth.

Breathe together for 5-10 rounds. After you stay still, your eyes still closed, and ask them how they feel?


If you are feeling stressed, sour, snappy. Fake a smile. Push those lips upwards. Really fake it - make the ugliest och craziest laughter you have ever made. Like a "bad-movie-actor-laughter"

You might get eye-rolls back. I have heard that some kids (ofc not mine🙄) think their parents are embarrassing for laughing... Well, I do it anyways. It shifts my energy - and then I spread better energy.


Perfect time to practice gratitude, calm and inner patience: when putting a kid down for the night.

You and your kid/s say three things they are grateful for this day, simple as that. Sometimes you have to start, and it can be all from having the best spaghetti & ketchup dinner ever, to having mis-matched socks, to have gotten a new friend.

This is especially wonderful if you are in a bad mood yourself actually. Cause it really works! No armor can stand against gratitude. 💖


Favorite!!! Just crank up the volumen and dance together! Any song works if you would like to get a pause from Barbie (or what ever songs thats on repeat at your place)

💖 You choose what in life that inspires You and why! 💖

You choose what in life that inspires you - and why so 💖

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