10 Powerful benefits of a Silent Breathwork & Yoga Retreat

Enhance your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health with a Silent Retreat with a variety of tools

Sometimes the world is noisy. Not only the external noise from traffic, social media, to-do lists but also the inner clutter. Our swirling thoughts, the ones stuck in the past, or the ones worrying or wanting to control the future. Then, a silent pause might be welcomed allowing you to land in the present. To relax, release and reload and channel your attention inward. Get aware of the little things can make a big difference. 

So many reasons to attend a silent yoga retreat. Or even better - a silent breathwork and yoga retreat.

  1. Silent Retreat for a Digital detox

Our digitalized world is fantastic, but it is also adding stress by always being “on”. To turn off your phone might be hard the first hour or so - after that, you will not even look for it, but instead find yourself more focused, deeply connected to your fellow practitioners - in silence together.

2. A Silent Retreat will increased awareness. It will make you feel.

As the noise stills, you will begin noticing things differently. The magical natural sound and sights of nature becomes detailed and vivid. Calming, soothing, comforting in a gorgeous and tranquil setting. How does the magpie sound, the humming bee, the oats blowing in the wind, your own breath and heartbeat? Unusually many feel an immense sense of gratitude or appreciation.

“Challenging practices - some a bit uncomfortable which made me cross my comfort zone and level up! A state between consciousness and dream which gave me physical as well as spiritual experiences - hard to even comprehend or describe - just cool!”

- Anna B (participant in Breathwork and Yoga Retreat with ShapeYourVibe)

3. A silent Retreat facilitates to practice mindful, instead of mind full

Mindfulness, and an awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, seeing the surroundings through a nurturing lens is often associated with a silent retreat. There are studies that back up the connection between silent meditation and mindfulness. And mindfulness in itself can boost immune system health, reduce insomnia or improve sleep patterns, and overall improve the quality of life.

4. A silent retreat, with the right content, can open for creating clarity & transforming negative thought pattern

Before it gets clear, it might get blurry. Undisturbed opportunity to turn inward can kick-start the process of becoming aware of specific thoughts, resistance, triggers which is the first step to stop reacting to negative sensations. During these retreats we add practices to deepen the work, i.e transformational Breathwork, energy healing, active meditations that may allow us to tap into our subconscious and enable us to start cleanse and rewire negative or stressful thoughts, or work through trauma.

“To say THANK YOU for an amazing weekend is not enough in words to describe what an amazing experience this has been. I can just say magic and pure joy where time and space has completely disappeared. /…/ You have helped me find the me that I have longed for so long. I know now that she is here, and I will make sure she stays. Thank you for your existence Kia, with your warm soul and energy. “

- Anni P (participant in Breathwork and Yoga Retreat with ShapeYourVibe)

5. A silent retreat can increase the efficiency of your brain

During stress, overwhelmed moments, burn out, fatigue or high anxiety, our brain can feel as slow as molasses. Whilst meditation, breathwork or yoga for our physical body shows an increase of more effective signals in our amazing brain. When you do it with full awareness you will be surprised of the power. It is almost like your brain works quicker and more efficiently when calmer and silent.

6. A silent retreat, in a safe space can help you push through the resistance, or challenge

The harder resistance - the higher new level to enter and the more important it is for us to reach it. Devoting time to your own physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body takes patience, diligence, and even bravery and openness. You will feel proud over your silent invested time in you. The thoughts in mind just have been in need of reframing.

“The best retreat I have ever been on! I have felt so safe through all the elements. Creativity has been flowing, your intuition and creative ability in how you approach yoga, breathwork and us as a group has been magic. Never have I met a “yogi” who dares to feel so deeply inside, matched with the playfulness you have both in physical as well as mental practice. Can not find the words to express my gratitude. You have helped me break my barriers.”

- Johanna N (participant in Breathwork and Yoga Retreat with ShapeYourVibe

7. A silent retreat can enhance your communication

When not relying on our voice, we open up for communication with eyes, energy, and spiritual being. Our inner voice gets heard in the silence, as our inner ear enhances its ability to listen. And funny how the lack of words can clear potential stuck energy to make us speak up.

8. A brain filled with shame cannot learn - let´s clear out what is no longer needed and make space for new

There is only one focus here: relationship between you and you. To be present and to feel, to heal. And when you have the time to listen and feel You - it opens up for gratitude and vulnerability. It is like putting the ego aside, enhancing your authenticity and prioritizing You.

“A completely wonderful weekend! Breathwork - blown away. Amazing yoga.”

- Lena S (participant in Breathwork and Yoga Retreat with ShapeYourVibe

9. A retreat in silence is just sweet times

No silent retreat is the same. The resistance and the ease or challenge will differ. But the result is as sweet as cotton candy.

10. Expand, and feel free

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” 
-Viktor Frankl

Your whole nervous system gets a well deserved rest and reset. You become less reactive and more positive. Your energy shifts, you feel more love, gratitude, kindness and compassion for others.

Shift your energies - shift your life

If you are curious, read more about our upcoming Breathwork and Yoga Retreat in Sweden. We mix transformational Breathwork, breathing exercises, yoga (yin, vinyasa, restorative yoga), meditation, reiki energy healing, spiritual tools. Embedded in silence and a safe space to breakthrough, reduce stress, enhance a spiritual practice or just land in you. 

Most participants at our Retreat to Reset enjoys a boost in their physical health, emotional health, mental health and spiritual growth. Overall - they just feel good!

The Retreat is founded and held by Kia Agerhem, Breath Guide, Reiki Master, Yoga Teacher, Intuitive and Mental Coach.

What Is a Silent Yoga Retreat?

Silent retreats encourage participants to be in silence for a certain, pre-decided, amount of time. Differs depending on retreat. A Vipasana for example is completely silent in meditation for all the days, whilst there are combinations where you are silent for a few days to then break the silence. In common though is that it usually has no verbal talking during meditations, meals, yoga and other practices, journaling etc. When you read it it may sound very solitary - but truthfully, by removing distractions and verbal communication, participants can reach a deep level of solitary contemplation and personal reflection as well as actually get a close connection with other participants. Provides the opportunity and support to acknowledge and process undiscovered, or held back, thoughts and feelings


Similarities btw Breathwork, plant medicine & psychedelics


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