Corporate Breathwork- reduce stress, improve employee health

Welcome to the fast-paced world of modern companies, where stress and burnout seem to be an unwelcome guest in every office. The pressure to meet deadlines, always-on mentality, and work-life balance can take a hit on employees' mental and physical well-being. But what if there was a tool that could help reduce stress, enhance creativity, and improve overall employee health? Enter corporate breathwork - the secret weapon for companies looking to create a healthier and more productive work environment.

In this blog post, we will explore how breathwork, tailored for corporate settings, can revolutionize the way companies approach stress management and employee wellness. With results backed by science, embrace the power of breathwork as an effective tool in combating workplace stress and get in the "flow". Let's delve into this transformative practice that is presently taking the corporate world by storm.

Breathwork is an active meditation to release stress, anxiety, enhancing creativity and create a state of flow

In the bustling world we live in, finding moments of tranquility can be quite a challenge. However, Breathwork is a powerful practice that goes beyond just taking deep breaths. Breathwork is not your ordinary meditation practice - it's an active form of meditation that harnesses the power of conscious breathing to achieve profound benefits for both the mind, body and soul.

When we engage in breathwork, we tap into our body's natural ability to regulate emotions and find balance. Deep intentional breaths, consciously connected, can regulate the nervous systems. That means both the parasympathetic nervous system ("rest and digest"), as well as the sympathetic nervous system, “fight & flight”.

Stress with more stress, gives distress (eustress). But stress plus rest, gives success! We humans actually manage stress well, but we need to  add rest to recalibrate, reload and reset by activating, or switching, to our parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest)

Some Breathwork techniques taps into both - and then you can create a truly dreamy state, highly beneficial for body, mind and soul. The simple act of breathing truly has profound effects on our overall well-being.

Breathwork also has the incredible ability to enhance creativity. When we are stressed or anxious, our minds become cluttered with worries, limitations and distractions. Through focused breathing techniques we can clear away mental fog, stuck energies and blockages and open up space for new things to flow through. The oxygenation of our brain stimulates clarity and allows us to access new perspectives and innovative solutions

Moreover, Breathwork can induce a state of flow. A magical zone with heightened focus and performance.This meditative practice activates both hemispheres of the brain simultaneously, aligning them harmoniously for enhanced productivity.

By incorporating corporate breathwork sessions into their wellness programs or team-building activities, companies can create highly beneficial transformations among their employees. Stress reduction, yes. But also increased creativity, innovative problem-solving skills resulting in greater efficiency and satisfaction at work.

The implementation of breathwork in the company can become an essential tool for modern businesses seeking sustainable success. With a holistic approach the potential can be impactful for employee engagement and productivity.

Breathwork gives immediate results

Breathwork can deliver immediate results, as well as deepen the experience continuously over time. You can get an instantaneous experience, and the experience also differs every time. Physical experiences, other times spiritual, emotional, or working in the mental realms. The more you practice though, the easier it gets and the more you wanna breathe more

In addition to reducing stress, incorporating regular breathwork sessions have more benefits for both physical, and mental well-being. It has been shown to lower blood pressure, improve lung capacity, boost immunity, enhance focus and concentration, increase energy levels, and even alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety.

So whether you're feeling overwhelmed at work or simply want to enhance your overall wellness routine, consider giving corporate breathwork a try. You might be surprised by just how quickly it can make a positive impact on your life.

Breathwork - feels like magic, backed by science

Breathwork is not a trendy new age practice, but actually backed by scientific research that supports its effectiveness in improving energy levels, releasing stress, enhancing both creativity and focus, and reducing burnout. Numerous studies have shown the positive impact of breathwork on our physiological and psychological well-being.

Specific breathing techniques can help individuals enter a deep state of relaxation and release pent-up emotions or tension, allows individuals to tap into their inner resources, unlocking hidden potential and fostering a sense of empowerment. 

Studies have shown that consistent practice of breathwork can significantly lower cortisol levels (the stress hormone), improve heart rate variability (an indicator of cardiovascular health), boost immune function, increase feelings of balm and emotional balance. 

Engaging in regular breathwork practices has been found to improve cognitive function by promoting oxygenation of the brain. This can lead to enhanced focus, concentration, problem-solving abilities, and overall mental clarity – qualities that are highly valued in any workplace setting as well as for maintaining employee well-being.

Not the least, there are studies that has found a direct link between deep breathing exercises and increased happiness levels. Breathwork can increase the production of endorphins – those wonderful natural chemicals that boost mood and overall happiness, but also help to alleviate pain and increase feelings of pleasure.  

A happier workforce that feels more connected to their work environment.

Corporate Breathwork Online or In-Person? 

What sets corporate breathwork apart is its accessibility in an online format. Remote work became increasingly prevalent after previous pandemic, and many companies welcomed the flexibility - online breathwork sessions offer convenience without compromising effectiveness.

You will gather at the office, or at home, to be guided through breathwork to help release stress, tension stress or increase energy when faced with fatigue or burnout.

Implementing corporate breathwork programs not only demonstrates a commitment towards employee wellness but also yields tangible benefits for the organization itself. Research indicates that companies promoting mindfulness practices witness improved employee engagement, enhanced teamwork dynamics resulting in better problem-solving skills. Contributing positively towards the bottom line.

So why wait? Embrace this innovative approach to workplace wellness by incorporating corporate breathwork programs into your company's wellness initiatives. Experience reduced stress levels, improved mental clarity, increased creativity, and a greater sense of awareness.  

Why Corporate Breathwork with Kia Agerhem - Shape Your Vibe 

Kia Agerhem has over 15 years of experience in various executive roles in companies, boards rooms, leading company transformation. 

Passionate about inspiring change and drive transformation. Her background as an engineer speaks for her interests in the science, which is used as a bridge to the work of energies not always seen.

Many things in life worth pursuing, requires som sort of effort, and Breathwork is no exception. While the technique may be simple, it can still come with some resistance. Kia’s goal is to help all on board to reap the benefits of Breathwork. For some companies one style of Breathwork can be suiting, for another something different.  

But there is no question that with breathwork, the results are immediate and undeniable. 

If you are a modern company, looking for a powerful tool to increase performance, and company health, we are happy to have a discussion about a suitable setting. Referral companies for Breathwork, lecture, keynote etc: RISE, OX2, Deloitte, Moumo, Folket Stockholm, River Cresco, Ciceron Group, OMG, Wolt. (English & Swedish available)


Breathwork Stockholm - simplicity & power to feel good!


Breathwork and Yoga retreat in silence, Sweden